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Gardeners Spending More

Gardeners are spending more money these days.

An estimated 90 million households participated in do-it-yourself lawn and gardening activities last year. That’s about 75-percent of all U.S. households. The highest spending was among baby boomers, married households, those with annual incomes of over $75,000 and college graduates – but the most important market force was 18-34 year olds. Five million of the six million ‘new’ gardening households were Millennials.

Food gardening and flower gardening were the most popular gardening activities last year. About one out of three households participated in food gardening (36%) or flower gardening (34%). Households spent an estimated $3.6 billion growing vegetables, fruit, berries and herbs and $2.7 billion on flower gardening.

The National Gardening Survey from the National Gardening Market Research Company reports gardeners spent $36.1 billion in 2015. The average amount spent on the backyard or balcony nationwide in 2015 was $401 per household, up from a low of $317 in 2014.

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