The mission of TORC is to provide research and information to homeowners, farmers, ranchers and other decision makers with the goal of helping stop the broad scale use of toxic chemical pesticides and fertilizers which are currently being sold and used in the futile attempt to grow crops and control insect pests and diseases.
TORC's position is that natural organic products and techniques work better in every way, including from an economic standpoint and actually improve the health of the soil as well as the production of plants and livestock. In short, TORC's goal is to improve health and thus quality of life by making natural organic management programs the new mainstream.
The basic theory is that Nature knows best. Soil should be improved with compost and other natural organic fertilizers, rock minerals and natural mulches. Research exists to back that theory, TORC's job is to provide additional research and classroom education based on current knowledge of natural organic techniques. More on TORC.
TORC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contribution is fully tax deductible to the extent provided by law. TORC's tax ID number is: 75-2927872. Please make a donation to TORC today: online or by US Postal Mail.
Accepted & Unaccepted Organic
Soil Amendment & Fertilizer Products
Gardeners Spending More
Gardening can fight childhood obesity
Gardening is Beneficial for Health
Gastro Problems & D-limonene
Ginkgoes Changing Sex
Global Nitrogen Cycle
Global Nitrogen Cycle & Human Health
Glyphosate - Chronic, Ultra-low Dose Exposure to Glyphosate in Drinking Water has Adverse Impacts on the Health of Liver and Kidneys
Glyphosate - EPA and IARC Opposing Conclusions
Glyphosate - FDA Finds Monsanto’s Weed Killer In U.S. Honey
Glyphosate - FDA Stops Testing for Glyphosate
Glyphosate - Improve Your Health by Avoiding Pesticides
Glyphosate - New Study showing Adverse Human Health and Environmental Impacts
Glyphosate - Weed Killer, Cancer, and The Corruption of Science
Glyphosate - Where is it Restricted or Banned in the United States?
Glyphosate and its formulations Roundup Bioflow and RangerPro alter bacterial and fungal community composition in the rat caecum microbiome
Glyphosate and Roundup proven to disrupt gut microbiome by inhibiting shikimate pathway
Glyphosate Classified Carcinogenic by ICA
Glyphosate Fact Sheet
Glyphosate found In 100% Of California Wines Tested - Even Some Labeled Organic
Glyphosate Found in 19 of 20 Beers and Wines Tested
Glyphosate Found in All 5 Major Orange Juice Brands
Glyphosate Found in Oat Cereal and Granola Bars
Glyphosate found in the urine of 93% of the American public recently tested
Glyphosate in Food and Water
Glyphosate Kills Lactobacillus Bacteria
Glyphosate Levels in Breakfast Foods: What is safe?
Glyphosate Persistence Raises Questions
Glyphosate Use has Risen 15-fold since 1996
Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance
Glyphosate-based Herbicides are Toxic and Endocrine Disruptors in Human Cell Lines
Glyphosate: FDA Plan to Measure Weed Killer Residues on Food
GM Bacteria ‘Suffocates’ Soil
GMO - Animals Know the Difference
GMO - Crop Weed Killer Linked to Fungus
GMO - Toxins in Transgenic Crops
GMO Genetically Engineered Soybeans May Cause Allergies
GMO Grass: Green, Lush - and Toxic
GMO Insect Resistance Failing
GMO Lyme/Autism Group Blasts Foods as Dangerous
GMO Monsanto Schmeiser's Story
GMO Research Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods
GMO Starlink Corn Found in Food Aid
GMO Switched to Organic Diets Improved 16 Health Problems
GMO Technology - Genetic Engineering,
GMO Wanes as Organic Market Gains
GMO: DNA from GMOs can Pass Directly into Humans
GMOs are not "substantially equivalent" to non GMO crops
GMOs Impact Livestock and Human Health Around the Globe
Golden rice isn’t the panacea for Vitamin A deficiency
Golf Course Organic Texas Tech
Good Health Begins With What You Put In Your Grocery Cart
Grass Clippings Increase Soil Carbon and Nitrogen
Growing Hemp