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Pesticides Being Approved by the Corrupted EPA and FDA

Barring some kind of advanced alien technology, there will soon be nothing that can clean up the toxic mess we are making of our planting fields. The FDA and EPA are approving the use of 2,4-D chemicals on American fields, even though it has been linked todevelopmental and neurological health problems, among other environmental damage.

 We also know that the very reason for this consideration is because RoundUp Ready chemicals failed, and glyphosate-drenched fields everywhere are giving birth to superweeds bigger than farmers have ever seen. But do we stop the madness and desist from putting more toxic drivel on our crops? No – in this country, we let regulators go even further. A whole new type of pesticides and herbicides is about to be unleashed on the public. What will it take for this to stop?

The biotech industry bet the farm on glyphosate and it failed – killing our crops, harming our ground water, and causing human infertility and DNA aberrance, but let’s give the good ole’ boys another go at it – shall we?

Instead of looking at aged practices – those which have been tested and tried for millennia, of organic and sustainable farming which is still proving to be viable even today – the agricultural industry looks for ‘new and better’ chemicals. Since these often take decades to develop, and billions of dollars, I might add, the near-term solution of these crazy-makers seems to be to bring older pesticides back into the spotlight.


Source: Christina Sarich,, July 23, 2014









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